Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Motherhood is Hard

Let me start off by saying, I love my son.  Unconditionally.  Deeply.  Truly.  It’s the type of love I’ve never felt for anyone other than Ben.  I enjoy motherhood.  I enjoy being at home with my son.  Ben makes me smile, laugh and cry (sometimes in frustration, other times in joy) every day.  

However, there is a dark side to having children.  Motherhood is hard.  I came across this article today and I couldn’t have captured the experience of parenthood better myself.  I laughed throughout the entire article and then I cried toward the end (I cry a lot more now that I’m a mom).  I could relate completely to almost every word the author wrote.  I will admit, I’ve never experienced true sleep deprivation with Ben, other than for a night or two when he’s been sick or teething.  Ben was a very easy baby who slept incredibly well from day one.  We’ve been lucky in that respect.  Don’t worry though; he’s making up for those first few easy months by being a challenging toddler at times.  Thankfully, I never had postpartum depression either.  Other than the meltdown I had in the hospital when I discovered someone accidentally threw out my $20 organic nipple cream, those first few weeks really were blissful and romantic for me.    

Anyway, take a moment and read 10 Things I Hate About Motherhood (And One That I Love).  We’re never as alone as we think we are.