Monday, June 13, 2011

Cloth Diapering

When I was pregnant with Ben, I made the decision that I was going to use cloth diapers (whenever possible) over disposables.  Inspired by a few of my cloth diapering friends I also loved that they were better for the environment and would be a healthier choice for my baby.  Cloth diapers have come a long way in recent years (no more safely pins and plastic pants) and can be found in a wide range of beautiful designs and colors.  

A few months into my pregnancy, I began researching cloth diapers and I’ll admit, it was daunting at first.  There were so many choices it was difficult to know where to begin.  Once (I thought) I knew what was best for our family I bought diaper fabric and my mom sewed the most beautiful little diapers I’d ever seen.  Sadly, they didn’t fit Ben’s long, lean body once he arrived.   He leaked through those homemade diapers every single time I put one on and then he quickly outgrew them.  My mom never did sew the next size up for him.  I was a little sad and discouraged that we had put so much time and effort into making diapers that just didn’t work for Ben’s body type.  Afterward, it took me a few months to get brave enough to purchase some new cloth diapers.  

Now, 17 months in, I’ve tried many great brands of cloth diapers and I know what works for us and what doesn’t.  If I could go back in time and do it again, I would have done a diaper trial once Ben hit the eight pound mark.  It would have taken a lot of guesswork out of the equation for me.  For instance over time, I’ve learned that I prefer one-size diapers to sized diapers and snap closure over hook and loop.  The truth is, what works well for one baby or one family may not be what's best for another.  

Next week I’ll be showing off some of the diapers we love, along with the pros and cons of each.  In the meantime, (here, here and here) are a few great resources to check out if you’re thinking cloth diapering your baby.