Sunday, January 01, 2012

Half Way (to Baby)

This week marks the half way point of my pregnancy.  Honestly, I haven’t written much about this baby because it’s been a bumpy road so far.  I found it hard to write when there was so much uncertainly in my heart.  My first trimester was challenging, both physically and emotionally.  In addition to the extreme exhaustion and all day nausea, I had a string of complications and couldn’t seem to catch a break.  In the first 12 weeks of my pregnancy, I had five doctor’s appointments, four ultrasounds and made countless panicked calls to the wonderful nurses at my clinic.  There were many days and nights where I didn’t think I’d get the chance to announce my pregnancy let alone meet this baby.  Although all of my complications have since passed and this baby looks healthy and has a strong heartbeat, I still wake up every morning and hold my breath, waiting to feel that first wiggle or kick of the day.

I don’t want this post to sound negative.  For me, sharing my struggles is about acknowledging that the past few months have been difficult and moving onto a better place.  I’m finally beginning to enjoy this pregnancy and connect with the quiet little being growing inside me.  A few weeks ago, we found out our baby’s gender and we’ve chosen a name.  The ultrasound tech “couldn’t see any boy parts” so it looks like we’ll be welcoming a little girl come May (I’ll still be packing a blue outfit and a short list of boy names in my hospital bag though...just in case).  Although our baby’s name will remain a surprise until she’s born, spring will be here before we know it...hopefully.

Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be.
-       Carrie Fisher