Saturday, January 21, 2012


This morning, while I was retouching some images, I came across this song and it instantly brought me back to the first few weeks of Ben’s life.  The movie One Week was on TV almost every day and I must have watched it four or five times while breastfeeding Ben.  The Great Escape plays in one of the last scenes in the movie and to this day whenever I hear it, I think of myself, standing at the front window, holding my newborn son, watching the snow fall lightly, waiting for Boris to come home.  If I close my eyes while it plays, I can still feel Ben’s weightlessness in my arms.  I can still see those curious, worried eyes looking back at mine.  I can still smell his newborn smell.  I am transported to one of the most beautiful and amazing times in my life.  

Sometimes it’s the lyrics that draw you into a song and other times, like this morning, it’s the feeling the song evokes.  I love being able to go back to some of the most remarkable moments in my life just by pushing play on my iPod.  Music is really quite powerful when you think about it.  In an instant, you can be transported back to a moment, a person, a feeling, a memory...