Saturday, August 18, 2012

Kate, at 3 Months

It’s hard to believe that Kate’s been a part of our family for three months already.  Life’s sure been a lot busier since her arrival in May!  Kate has been an easy baby so far.  She eats and sleeps well.  For the most part, she’s pretty laid back but there’s also a feisty side to her personality.  Kate is quite the little conversationalist and smiles easily (especially after eating).  She knows what she wants and how to get it.  Kate is a mommy’s girl, likes my arms best and will often cry when others try to hold her.  She loves sitting on my knee facing outward and watching the world around her.  She loves grabbing her shirt or dress with her tiny little hands and stuffing it into her mouth.  Kate is active and has been trying to roll onto her stomach for a few weeks now.  In the morning, I often find her on the other side of the crib (she lifts up her bum, digs her heals into the mattress and pushes herself backwards). 

Having two children isn’t necessarily more difficult but it’s definitely more time consuming.  Despite the added responsibility (and dirty laundry) that comes along with a second child, Kate has added so much richness to our lives and we look forward to watching her grow.  I love catching little glimpses of her personally and I cannot imagine life without her sweet little face smiling back at me.