Monday, January 07, 2013

Ben's (Second) Canvas Painting - Day Two

On Friday, I asked Ben if he wanted to paint and he did.  By the time I cleaned off the kitchen table and set up the canvas, paint and paint brushes, he wanted to play.  So we went downstairs to his playroom instead.  Ben headed back upstairs for a snack while I finished folding the last few pairs of socks.  By the time I got to the kitchen, maybe 30 seconds later, Ben, with a paint brush in his hand declared, “I am all done Mommy!”  

Lessons learned...

Don’t Push
Had I insisted we paint before going downstairs to play Ben would have most likely lost interest in painting...forever. 

Work Within Their Attention Span
Some days Ben will paint for five minutes and sometimes for 15 seconds.  When he’s done, he’s done.

Don’t Use a New Brush on Canvas for the First Time
I didn’t love the results of the new brush we used this time around.  We should have tried it out for the first time on a piece of paper.  Luckily, this is a layered painting and hopefully the parts I don’t love will be painted over.