Friday, July 12, 2013

The Journey to Living With Less

I haven’t written anything on this blog in awhile.  It’s not because I haven’t had the desire to, it’s because our lives feel so busy and full right now that there just isn’t time.  Lately, I’ve had a lot on my mind and I feel the need to let it all out, so here it goes...

On Sunday, I sat in the kitchen eating lunch in my pajamas.  I was tired and feeling sorry for myself.  Our house looked like it had been hit by a tornado, the typical weekend mess that piles up as we rush from one activity to the next.  I sat there thinking about how unbelievably sticky my kitchen floors were, trying to remember the last time I had gotten down on my hands and knees and given them a good scrub.  At least a month?  Maybe two?  I couldn’t remember.  The months have a way of blending into each other when you’re home with two small kids.  I sat there trying to remember what life was like without Ben and Kate, when Boris and I use to clean the entire house every Thursday evening so it was fresh for the weekend.  And for a moment...just a moment I wondered if someone without children and a clean house would like to trade lives with me for a day of two.

I love my children.  I wanted them more than I had ever wanted anyone or anything in my entire life.  But, I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in those moments when I wish I could be somewhere else.  It’s all a little overwhelming at times.  The thing is though, it’s not the “parenting” that has felt overwhelming for me over the last little while, it’s the struggle between all the things I feel I should be doing verses spending time with the people I love.  

At the beginning of January, I set a goal to organize our entire house.  Despite my best efforts, our house still feels messy and disorganized.  How does this happen?  How can our house still be bursting at the seams even after I’ve lugged bag after bag of stuff we don’t use to Goodwill?  How do we acquire so many things we don’t really need?  All of these possessions just take away from what really matters.  I long for a time when people had fewer things and more of each other.  

So I’ve decided to go on a journey, to honor the things in our home that have meaning and purpose and let everything else fall away.  I want to live with less.  I want to spend more time with my children and less time worrying about how cluttered our basement is.  I want my children to grow up loving the people around them, not the things that they own.  I may write more on this topic as I go through my journey, I may not.  But today, I’m putting it out there...