Monday, September 02, 2013

To Ben (Before Your First Day of Preschool)

Tomorrow is your first day of preschool at a new school.  I know you’ve done this before, but this year is different.  You’ll be in school for four mornings a week.  That’s kind of a big deal when you’re only three and a half years old.  Speaking of being three and a half, how did that happen so quickly?  It seems like just yesterday I held you in my arms for the first time.  Tomorrow, I have to let you go, just a little.  In many ways, I’m ready and in many ways, I’m not.  But, it’ll be good for you to go out there on your own.  Today I feel a little torn and nervous and excited for you.  As your mother, I want to protect you; I want to be your soft place to land.  You see, life is glorious and amazing and beautiful.  But it’s also sometimes painful and sad and hard.  If I shield you from all of life’s heartaches, if I step in every time you stumble, you won’t grow in the ways you need to grow.  You’re still so young, trying to figure out how to navigate the world beyond our little family of four (but the truth is, sometimes...a lot of the time, so am I).  So, before you walk through those doors tomorrow, this is what I want you to know:

The kinder you are to others, the kinder they will be to you.  Play fair.  Be gentle.  Share.  Have patience.  

Keep your hands to yourself and respect other people’s space.

Be polite and use your manners.  Say, “please” and “thank-you” and “I’m sorry".

Listen...really listen.  To your teaches.  To your friends.  Others have a lot to offer.

Stay curious.  Ask lots of questions.  Don’t ever lose your sense of wonder.  

Be yourself, you’re such an amazing little man.  Have the confidence to stand up for yourself when it matters and step back when it doesn’t.

Find peace and happiness on your own terms.  We will always stand behind you.

You will make mistakes and that’s okay.  Everyone does.  That’s how we learn.  That’s how we grow.

We love you Ben and we’re so proud of you.  You’re going to do great things!  Have a wonderful first day at school.