Monday, October 22, 2012

Looking Back - March 2011

In the spring of 2011 (when Edmonton was still covered in five feet of snow) my mom, Ben and I traveled to Vancouver.  Jenny (now married for almost a year) tried on wedding dresses.  Kate was nothing but a hope and a prayer and I became an aunt for the first time.  It's hard to believe how much time has passed since then, how much life has changed.  Ben, then a few days shy of 15 months, is now almost three.  I look back at these pictures of him at the beach and this video of him splashing around in a mud puddle with such fondness but also with a little sadness that my toddler has grown into such a little man (look how cute and squishy he was back then).  

In a few days my mom, Kate and I will be Vancouver bound for four days.  I can't wait to see Jenny and Darren, to walk along the streets of Vancouver surrounded by fall colors, to spend some time alone with Kate but leaving Ben behind is definitely bittersweet.  It'll be the first time since his birth that I will be away from him for longer than a sleepover at grandma and grandpa's.  I hope he enjoys his extended weekend with the guys, I know I'll enjoy every moment of my "girl time" in Vancouver.