Friday, May 27, 2011

Ben, at 16 Months

I’ve sat down to write this post so many times over the past week and for some reason the words don’t seem to do justice in comparison to how I feel.  My little man is 16 months old.  Where did the time go?  I remember how quickly his first week in the world passed.  Boris and I turned to one another and said, “I can’t believe he’s already a week old”.  And then two weeks when by, then three... 

Ben is mischievous; full of curiosity, giggles and smiles.  He stands on full tippy-toe to look out our front window.  He loves waiting at the edge of the driveway with me to watch the garbage and recycle truck drive by.  He gives big hugs, wet kisses and loves to snuggle on the couch when he first wakes up from a nap.  His favorite foods are corn-on-the-cob, pineapple, cheese and crackers.  He loves being outside and bravely goes down the tallest slide at the playground.  He only speaks a few words but his favorite this month is definitely “No”.  Ben loves flipping through books, being read to and playing with cars and trucks.  He pushes the chairs around the kitchen, climbs up, opens the drawers and plays with the utensils inside.  Ben has been such a blessing in our lives and we are so in love and enamored by him.