Thursday, June 09, 2011

Children’s Books – June Favorites

We love books in our house!  Although Ben’s a busy boy who rarely stops from morning until night he will sit quietly, cuddled in our lap for story time.  Boris and I read to him at least three times a day, before naptime (X2) and bedtime.  He can sit through eight or nine children’s books in one sitting, so on average we read at least 25 books to him a day.  That doesn’t include the ones he flips through and studies on his own or the ones he brings to us to read over and over again.  I take Ben to our local library once a week to choose a new selection.  I grow bored of reading the same stories day after day.  We’ve probably taken out every single board book from our library.  Some have made it into Ben’s book basket several times over the last year.  We all have our favorites.  I’m drawn to the books with beautiful artwork.  Boris loves the ones that rhyme. And Ben likes anything with cars, trucks and trains, although sometimes his favorite of the week surprises us.  Here are a few we’ve enjoyed recently (I’ll try to post our favorites once a month from here on in).  Enjoy!

A Book of Sleep by Il Sung Na

Eco Babies Wear Green by Michelle Sinclair Colman


Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle