Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Upside of Teething

The last few weeks have been difficult in our house.  Ben has been cutting four new teeth and to put it politely, he’s cranky.  He spends his waking hours whining, crying and throwing himself on the floor.  I spend most of the day trying to survive between naps, waiting for Boris to come home, counting down until bedtime.  It feels like my son has turned into a little monster, someone I barely recognize and I’ll admit, he isn’t very enjoyable to be around.  Last Tuesday Ben also came down with a fever and he lost his appetite.  By Friday he was still burning up, despite our round the clock regime of Tylenol and Advil so we took him to the doctors.  As it turns out, he also had an ear infection that required antibiotics.  

There were two wonderful things to look forward to through the weeks of sleepless nights, tantrums and tears. Ben is the best little snuggler when he isn’t feeling well.  Last week after naptime we would lounge on the couch together; his head against my chest, his body sprawled out on mine, Bear tucked under one arm.  We’d lie like this for a long time and I’d close my eyes, soaking it all in.  I know there will come a time when he no longer wants or needs my comfort.  But, right now, he’s small and in pain and all he wants is his mama.  

To keep from losing my sanity, we also went on lots of long walks.  I’ve always enjoyed walking and Ben is at his best when he’s outside.  The fresh air has always had a calming effect on him.  So when I couldn’t handle it anymore I’d peel my crying boy off the floor, throw him in his stroller and we’d walk.  For the hour or so we were out he was at peace and I got a much needed break.  

Yesterday morning Ben woke up happy.  He smiled, laughed and was content for the first time in a long time.  His appetite finally came back too.  It’s like someone flipped a switch and my sweet little boy returned.