Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Great Cleaning Tip – The Microwave

There are three areas in the kitchen I hate cleaning; the fridge, the microwave and underneath the sink. It usually takes a major spill for me to roll up my sleeves and get cleaning.  As I’ve been making my way through the kitchen over the last few weeks (see Getting Organized) I’ve been avoiding the three “yucky” areas.  Last night I finally broke down and tackled the microwave.  It was time.  It’s been gross for a while now but last week’s lasagna explosion really pushed it over the edge.  

A few years ago I can across a great tip in a magazine (I can’t remember which one) for cleaning the microwave without chemical cleaners.  It’s so simple, I really don’t know why I don’t do it more often?  Take 1/2 a lemon and squeeze it into a small bowl (you can leave the lemon in the bowl after squeezing).  Add a few Tbsp. of water and microwave on high for 2 – 3 minutes.  The lemon water will steam the microwave making it easy to wipe off all that caked on food.  I had to repeat the process twice last night to loosen everything (you may need to add a little more water each time).  

I love finding healthy, natural ways to clean.  We rarely use chemical cleaners in our home.  Baking soda, vinegar and Norwex cloths do the job just as well.  I’m so happy that my microwave looks and smells great again...now let’s see how long it lasts!